Mario vs. Donkey Kong
After many long years, Mario and Donkey Kong are at it again in Mario vs. Donkey Kong. This is a very enjoyable
game that any fan of the original will really like.
Story: 7/10
It all starts off with Donkey
Kong watching TV. He sees a commercial advertising Mini Mario toys, little wind-up Marios. He instantly wants one and goes
out to get one. When he gets to the store, the Mini Marios are sold out. He gets really mad and then spots the Mini Mario
toy factory. He rushes inside and steals all of the Mini Marios. When he gets out of the factory, Mario shows up. Donkey Kong
then runs away and Mario chases after him. Its kind of a weak story, but its just what youd expect from a Mario game.
Control: 9/10
This game controls excellent. Mario is given many more moves then what you could do in
the old game. He can do back flips, handstands, swing from bars, pick stuff up, climb up ladders/vines, and a bunch of other
things. These actions are easily pulled off cause the controls just work so well. Sometimes its hard to jump off of ladders
and vines and such, but its not much of a problem.
Graphics: 8/10
The graphics are great
for a game boy advance game. The cut scenes are in 3D, non-moving of course though. The enemies, the levels, and even Mario
look better than a lot of games for the system. With the bright colors and everything, the areas look blurry at times but
never enough to mess you up. The animation is nicely done like when Mario is doing a back flip or when Donkey Kong is beating
his chest. It fits well in the world of Mario games.
Sound: 8/10
Im not too good at judging
sound in games. I never see it as a big strong or weak point in a game. Its the last thing I look for in a game. But this
game has great Mario related music. And the sound effects are done well. All the voices are done on par too. Sometimes the
voices in the game are a little delayed. Like when Mario jumps, hell make a woo hoo sound a couple seconds too late. Plus,
its not a big deal, but Mario seems to talk too much in the game. It gets annoying after awhile. After every jump and every
other action Mario does, he makes some kind of sound.
Gameplay: 9/10
This is the meat of
any game. Fortunately, Mario vs. Donkey Kong excels upon its predecessor in every way. Youre given so much more options and
there are a ton of levels. The game starts off really easy but gradually gets harder. There are 6 worlds in the game all with
7 stages and a boss fight. This may seem short, but after beating all of them, you unlock 6 extra worlds each with 6 levels
and a boss fight. Each level is really short and takes about 1-3 minutes to complete, unless you mess up or need to stop and
figure out what to do. Youre sort of rushed through each level because theres a time limit to each one. This game is highly
addictive so you wont find yourself putting it down soon. Youll probably finish the game in a couple sittings because its
not the longest game out there. But in each level, you can try to get a high score and get a star for that level. Getting
stars unlocks expert stages.
Overall: 8/10
This game is a great puzzler that any Mario fan
should enjoy. Id expect nothing less from Nintendo, who still continues to make great Mario games after all these years. The
only big flaw about this game, I think, is that its too short. I borrowed it from a friend and beat it 100% in about 4 days,
each day playing only about 1-3 hours. Id say its worth a rental, although you cant really rent game boy games anymore. Its
worth checking out at least.
Story: 7/10 Control: 9/10 Graphics: 8/10 Sound: 8/10 Gameplay: 9/10
-Ryan Bond (Wariobetheman)
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